Million.js Hacktoberfest: Join the Celebration!

Million.js Hacktoberfest: Join the Celebration!

TIMONWA AKINTOKUN (opens in a new tab) OCT 3 2023

Million.js is partaking in Hacktoberfest yet again, and we're thrilled to have you join us in making it the best React performance package yet. For those unfamiliar with Hacktoberfest, it's a month-long celebration of open source that runs throughout October. This festival unites tech and open-source enthusiasts, celebrating not only open-source projects but also the code and the community behind them. Hacktoberfest is open to everyone with an interest in open source and the skills to contribute, and Million.js warmly welcomes your participation this year.

Getting Started

Depending on your skill level and interests, there are various ways you can contribute to our project. Here's a quick overview:

1. Contributing to the Core Code

Million.js is primarily written in JavaScript and TypeScript. Your expertise in these languages can be a valuable asset to the project. When contributing to the core code (opens in a new tab), you can focus on:

  • Bug Fixes: Identify and resolve issues within the library to enhance its stability.
  • Feature Additions: Propose and implement new features to expand Million.js' functionality.
  • Performance Optimization: Work on optimizing code to improve the library's speed and efficiency.
  • Code Quality: Enhance the overall codebase by adhering to best practices and maintaining clean, well-documented code.
  • Test Coverage: Increase test coverage by writing comprehensive tests to ensure Million.js functions as expected.

2. Contributing to the Website

The Million.js website is built with Nextra (opens in a new tab), a Next.js and MDX static site generator. If you're familiar with Next.js and Markdown or are a designer, you can also contribute to the website through the following ways:

  • Design Enhancement: Contribute by improving the visual design and layout, making the website more appealing and user-friendly.
  • Accessibility Improvements: Help ensure the website is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, by working on accessibility features and optimizations.
  • Content Creation: Create and contribute valuable content like blog posts, documentation, or tutorials to enrich the website's resources.
  • Code Refinement: If you have coding skills, you can participate in refining the website's codebase, enhancing its performance and functionality.

3. Contributing to Documentation

Documentation is vital for any open-source project, as it helps users understand the project's features and guides them on how to use it. Million.js has a comprehensive documentation (opens in a new tab) on its website. If you're a technical writer or have a good understanding of Million.js, you can contribute by:

  • Fixing Typos: Identify and fix any typos or grammatical errors in the documentation.
  • Improving Clarity: Enhance the clarity of the documentation by rephrasing sentences and paragraphs to make them easier to understand.
  • Adding Examples: Include examples in the documentation to help users better grasp the concepts and features explained.
  • Adding New Content: Contribute by adding new content to the documentation, such as tutorials, guides, or blog posts.

4. Contributing to the Million.js Kitchen Sink

The Million.js Kitchen Sink (opens in a new tab) is a showcase of examples that demonstrate Million.js in various projects. It's a fantastic opportunity to contribute by creating new examples or addressing issues in existing ones. Whether you're interested in design, accessibility, or adding exciting functionality, there are several ways you can make an impact:

  • Creating New Examples: Showcase Million.js in diverse real-world scenarios by creating new examples highlighting its versatility.
  • Addressing Open Issues: Explore the open issues on the Million.js Kitchen Sink GitHub repository and contribute solutions or improvements.
  • Enhancing Design: Improve the visual appeal and user experience of the showcased examples.
  • Ensuring Accessibility: Make Million.js examples more accessible to a broader audience by focusing on accessibility enhancements.

5. Other Ways to Contribute

Apart from the above, there are several other ways you can contribute to Million.js:

  • Spread the Word: Help spread the word about Million.js by sharing it on social media and telling your friends and colleagues about it.
  • Report Bugs: If you encounter any bugs or issues while using Million.js, report them on the GitHub repository (opens in a new tab) so that they can be addressed.
  • Answer Questions: If you have a good understanding of Million.js, you can help answer questions in the questions channel on the Discord server (opens in a new tab) or on the GitHub repository (opens in a new tab).
  • Suggest Features: If you have any ideas for new features that can be added to Million.js, share them on the GitHub repository (opens in a new tab).
  • Give Feedback: If you have any feedback or suggestions for improving Million.js, share them on the GitHub repository (opens in a new tab) or in the feedback channel on the Discord server (opens in a new tab).
  • Create Media Content: Create and share media content like videos, podcasts, or articles about Million.js.
  • Any Other Way: If you have other ideas for contributing to Million.js, feel free to share them with us via our various communication channels. We're always open to new ideas!

Things to Keep in Mind

As you embark on your journey to contribute to Million.js, here are some key points to remember:

  1. Discuss Before You Dive In: Before opening a pull request for a significant contribution or change, it's a great practice to discuss your ideas or intentions with the maintainers or the community. This helps avoid wasted effort and ensures your contribution aligns with the project's goals.

  2. Patience Is a Virtue: Open-source projects often have maintainers and contributors from around the world, working across different time zones. Be patient when seeking feedback or responses to your contributions. Maintainers are volunteers, and it may take some time to review and merge your work.

  3. Respect the Code of Conduct: Million.js follows a code of conduct that promotes a welcoming and inclusive environment for all contributors. Be courteous, respectful, and considerate in all your interactions within the community.

  4. Quality Over Quantity: While we appreciate all contributions, it's important to prioritize quality over quantity. Ensure that your code, documentation, or other contributions meet the project's standards and guidelines.

  5. Documentation Matters: If your contribution involves code changes, remember to update relevant documentation. Clear and up-to-date documentation is crucial for users and other contributors.

  6. Test Your Contributions: If possible, test your contributions thoroughly to ensure they work as expected. This minimizes the chances of introducing bugs or issues into the project.

  7. Stay Informed: Keep an eye on project updates, discussions, and announcements. Staying informed about the project's direction and goals can help you make more valuable contributions.

  8. Have Fun: Last but not least, remember that open source is not just about coding; it's also about learning, sharing, and having fun! Enjoy the process, learn from others, and celebrate your achievements.

By keeping these points in mind, you'll not only make your contributions more effective but also contribute to a positive and collaborative open-source community.


Hacktoberfest is the perfect opportunity to join Million.js in our journey of open source, innovation, and collaboration. We're excited to have you on board as we work together to make Million.js even better. Your contributions are highly valued, and they play a significant role in shaping the future of Million.js. Let's make this Hacktoberfest a memorable one!

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